If you want your users to have pre-filled Data on Townscript's forms.

For users registering using Townscript.com

Below is the format for sending the Pre-filled data to Townscript booking page -


Here , , , , , , are the parameters, which should be replaced by actual values.

td- prefix should be added with exact ticket name and selection quantity should be passed in place of

emailId= should be replaced by desired email
If collecting name as First Name , Last Name please use

cq<custom-question-number> can be Custom Question of type Text, Contact No., Text Area, Date, Select, Radio, Multiple Choice Checkbox.
cq6** for Custom Question 6th as per sequence in the booking flow.

Answer for Custom Question formats:
Date String format should be DD-MM-YYYY
Multiple Choice checkbox Answers should exact selections with "," separated.
All other Answer should be exact the same as how you want with Case sensitivity

Validate data for same before hitting our servers.
Parameters are Case Sensitive
Data for only First attendee can be pre-filled

Example 1 :-
Selecting 2 tickets ticket-name-1 and ticket-name-2 with quantity 5 and 6 respectively.
Name of attendee - John Dave
Email of attendee - [email protected]

https://www.townscript.com/v2/e/<event-code>/booking?td-ticket-name-1=5&td-ticket-name-2=6&name=John Dave&[email protected]

If Name Split setting used
First Name - John
Last Name - Dave

https://www.townscript.com/v2/e/<event-code>/booking?td-ticket-name-1=5&td-ticket-name-2=6&firstname=John&lastname=Dave&[email protected]

Example 2:-
Prefilling following attendee information
Name: Mary Diesel
Email: [email protected]
Answer to the first question in attendee view (Contact Info): 11234567890
Answer to the second question in attendee view (City): Mumbai
Answer to the third question in attendee view (Date of Birth): 24-09-1992

https://www.townscript.com/v2/e/<event-code>/booking?cq1=11234567890&cq2=Mumbai&cq3=24-09-1992&name=Mary Diesel&[email protected]

For users registering using Widget on your website.

Sending Attendee's Data and/or Ticket Information and/or Discount to be applied pre-filled

    function getPreFilledDataTS(){
       // All the fields are optional
        return {
            name: 				"<attendee-name>",
            emailid: 			"<attendee-emailId>",
            discountcode: "<discount-code>",
          	cq1:					"<answer-for-custom-question-1>",
          	cq6:					"<answer-for-custom-question-6>",
            td-ticketname1: <ticket-quantity>,
            td-ticketname2: <ticket-quantity>
<button onclick="popupWithParams('<event-code>',getPreFilledDataTS());" class="tsbutton">Register Now</button>
<noscript id="tsNoJsMsg">Javascript on your browser is not enabled.</noscript><script src="https://www.townscript.com/static/Bookingflow/js/townscript-widget.nocache.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Here , , , , , are the parameters, which should be replaced by actual values.

If you wish to not send some information you can just skip that key, value set from your JSON.

Ex: If you wish not to send any Ticket related Info :

    function getPreFilledDataTS(){
        return {
            name: 				"<attendee-name>",
            emailid: 			"<attendee-emailId>",
            discountcode: "<discount-code>"
<button onclick="popupWithParams('<event-code>',getPreFilledDataTS());" class="tsbutton">Register Now</button>
<noscript id="tsNoJsMsg">Javascript on your browser is not enabled.</noscript><script src="https://www.townscript.com/static/Bookingflow/js/townscript-widget.nocache.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Parameters are Case Sensitive
Data for only First attendee can be pre-filled and

Current Limitation: Tickets hidden with access code, can not be increased with autofill.

For users registering using Townscript Iframe

To perform pre-filling data in iframe, you need to generate src of iframe or iframe itself dynamically each time.

Following is the iframe code for reference -

<iframe src="https://www.townscript.com/v2/widget/<event-code>/booking?td-<ticket-name>=<ticket-quantity>&name=<attendee-name>&emailid=<attendee-emailid>&discountcode=<discount-code>&cq<custom-question-number>=<answer-for-custom-question>" frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>


<iframe src="https://www.townscript.com/v2/widget/<event-code>/booking?td-ticket-name-1=5&td-ticket-name-2=6&name=John Dave&[email protected]" frameborder="0" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe>